April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that over 50,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with oral cancer each year? During the month of April, we’re celebrating Oral Cancer Awareness Month to increase the understanding and to prevent oral cancer among our patients.

Some of the risk factors associated with oral cancer include tobacco use, alcohol (especially when you use tobacco at the same time), exposure to HPV, physical trauma, infectious disease, poor nutrition, and poor oral hygiene. Oral cancers are also 2x more common in women.

Perform a self-exam to look and feel for bumps, white or red patches of oral tissue, sores that won’t heal or bleed, chronic sore throat or hoarseness, difficulty chewing or swallowing, or a lump in the back of the throat. At Searcy Family Dental, we provide oral cancer screenings to detect a dangerous disease that can be cured if caught early.

If you’re looking for a new family dentist in Searcy, Arkansas or are in need of an oral cancer screening, dental implants, teeth whitening, tooth extraction surgery, dentures, and more, check out our website and schedule an appointment today!

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